Monday, May 18, 2009


"We passed by each other, therefore we are".

If asked - "Is your existence completely independent?" - what would your anwser be? Do you think something can even exist independently? By independence I mean the absolute form of independence - living without the dependency on other or others depending on you.

I feel everthing is interlinked - A Circle. Life comes from water; hence life exists cause water exists and water is valued only because life exists - each existing for the other.

Relationships too exists not because of the individual 'I' and 'You' but because of 'Us'. Your existence is counted when you are part of 'Us' and 'Us' exist because of 'You' - valid both in the physical and metaphysical world.

The sweetness of the marrow of life is truely experienced when shared. How often after reading a great book did you desire to share it with another? How often did you desrie to embrace somebody when you are broken?

The thought of "dependent existence" reminds me of the stanza from Madhushala:

प्रियतम, तू मेरी हाला है, मैं तेरा प्यासा प्याला,
अपने को मुझमें भरकर तू बनता है पीनेवाला,
मैं तुझको छक छलका करता, मस्त मुझे पी तू होता,

एक दूसरे की हम दोनों आज परस्पर मधुशाला।।३।,

English Translation

My beloved! You are my wine and I your thirsty tumbler,

Filling yourself within me you yourself become the drinker,

I play with you while you drink me, both brimming with joy,

We both make and complete the Tavern, one within the other. (3)

At a spiritual level I read it as - God exists cause we believe in Him, and we exist cause He does.

At a physical level I read it as - Man and a Woman complete each other when they physically and mentally consume each other, blurring the lines of 'I' and 'You' and the only thing that ultimately exists is 'Us'

Ardhnarishwar painting Courtsey :

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